Monthly Archives: September 2023

Look who’s back

There’s been quite a gap in my history. As you might imagine, a few things have changed in my life since 2009…

But if you’re reading this, I suspect you’ll be most interested in this:

So, in my quest to find a device I fit into, several aborted attempts with a metal cage and a Holy Trainer Nub v4 ended up with me fitting just fine into “The Vice.”

The lock I am using only has one key – or one key left. Honest!

First time I’ve been locked in over a decade – now, truly secured.

Now that I’m actually looking at the photos, I find myself highly amused by the unintentional inclusion of the phrase “barrel lubrication” in a picture showing that I can’t actually “lube my barrel.” If you know what I mean.

Perhaps I should have gone with a keyholder that I haven’t kept locked and mercilessly teased for months on end?

Nah, this is going to be FUN!